Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Confession: Today I was bad ...

So today I was bad on a couple different levels ... ha
I had a little work to do...
 and then a little free time that I delegated to
Part 1 of getting my life back together! 

Do you ever look in the mirror and think "Gosh I don't look like myself??" or is that just me that does that??
(Hope not, or else maybe there is something wrong with me and no one is saying anything ha)

Well the last couple of days I have looked in the mirror and thought that.
Today I came to the conclusion why ... I am PALE, like the palest of pale, which leads to my makeup not looking good, my clothes don't look good, my hair, you name it. White as a freaking ghost. UGH!

So Bad Thing #1 was that I went to the tanning bed today. GASP! I know, I know. It's awful.
I felt bad going, felt bad laying there, and felt bad when I got out. But I just couldn't help it! 
I need some color and some UV rays and the spray just wasn't doing it for me! Don't judge. :(

Ok next ... 
Bad Thing #2 (unless your name is Chris Jackson ha)
 involves this little lady ...

We decided to do a little Valentine's Day shopping this evening.
Dana+Kelly+Shopping = EMPTY WALLET!
Ha. Not a good combo!

I came home with an entire bag of things ... which is currently being hidden in my car ha ;)
And will remain in my car until Valentine's Day <3
Secrets, secrets are no fun ... unless you're the one keeping the secret HA! Sorry babe!

Bad Thing #3 ...
(Unless your name is Rebecca and you own the cutest online shop around!)
I was scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed as my usual nightly routine ... and saw this ...

And thought to myself ... "Dana, you just went to Vicki's ... you don't need to look!"
But who was I kidding?
In less than 3 seconds flat I was on HERE ordering looking at these fun little items ...

I have the turquiose and have gotten so many compliments on them, I just love them ... 

So tonight I got the royal blue ones to wear to watch my KY CATS play :)
Love them. Can't wait to get them!

This picture is actually the Piko Dress that I wanted so so so bad but I guess I didn't click fast enough because the black was sold out in a milisecond ... so I got the white one for now. Figured it will look cute in the Summer with a tan ... or over a pair of skinnies with my boots now! They are the BEST fabric, soft and comfortable. You could live in these tops! 

Which is why I also ordered another Maddie top ... :) 

There are a ton of colors! 
I got red tonight thought I will wear it for Valentine's Day maybe ? 
These are the best and fit so good, not all tight and weird! 

This was a bad/good thing I guess lol ;) 
If you aren't "Liking" her page on Facebook you are missing out on some super nice and affordable cuteness
Go Check it out Now! 

Bad Thing #4 
Went to Kroger to pick up a couple of things and somehow these ended up in my buggy...

Already had 3 packs tonight. 
A bad thing, a very very bad thing!!
Someone needs to hide them asap. 

I did do one good thing today!
I put on some tennis shoes and took Frankie on a walk tonight...

We wanted to enjoy this amazing weather we are experiencing here in good ol' Kentucky! 70 degrees!! Woohoo!
Totally felt like an awesome Spring day. 
I drove with the windows down and everything! 

But don't get used to it friends ... 

Only in Kentucky is it 70 one day and 31 three days later :( 

Alright, I am off to watch Pretty Little Liars that I recorded! 


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Monday, 28 January 2013

Sledding in 48 degrees!

This weekend a friend of our's invited us out to a property where they have some snow machines that


What better thing could you think of to do?

Go sledding ... on real snow ... when it was 48 degrees outside ... and then get in your car and drive away, not on slippery roads with snow everywhere ha!
It was a blast!

Photo Dump ...

They got these snow bibs year before last, for Christmas, and it didn't snow a single flake all winter! 
So they finally got to break them in! 

She stole my new Free People leopard toboggan, but she looked cute in it so I gave in because I love her:)

So excited! 

Isn't it funny to see snow and then a bunch of green grass in the same area? lol it was weird! 

Lastly, my personal favorite, that is Chris thinking he can snow board down a big hill, maybe he has been watching a little too much of the X Games ;) 

We had so much fun! Can't wait to go back again! 

Today I am off to work for a bit then run some errands and get ready for the Bachelor party tonight which is being held at my house with guests including this pretty lady and this pretty lady!  :) 
I am going to make snacks and dinner while we enjoy Sean and his crazy ladies on the television ... and make our guesses at who will stick around another week! 

I wasn't a huge Sean fan in the beginning ... when it was between him and Arie, I was Arie all the way!
But I will say he is growing on me. I love his personality and how kind and giving he is.

And I think he is so sweet with Sarah ...
 I like her a lot.
She is super sweet and just a normal girl I feel like!

I wanted to like Tierra ... I really really did.
When she did her interview on the first episode I thought she was so cute and fun!
I will say, after the last episode, she is a little out there... and that is being nice ha.

And I hate to say this, but I am glad to see Kacie B go home ...
I liked her previously, but this year I kinda felt like she was trying too hard and maybe she was just back on there to be on TV ... I didn't like that she had one up on all the other ladies, but hey, that's reality TV for ya!

Have a great Monday!
PS. Who is your pick for Bachelor thus far? :) 

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Sunday, 27 January 2013

Sunday Social Link Up

Well hello there Sunday night ... my favorite TV show night...
 I look forward to you alllll week! Ha! ;)

Tonight I am linking up with Ashley and Neely for a little Sunday Social!

Sunday Social
1. What is your ideal way to relax?
Definitely all snuggled up in a blanket in bed with Frankie... 

(and sometimes Chris if he is good, ha I kid, I kid) 
while watching a plethora of trash knowledge & information on TV including: Teen Mom 2, Real Housewives of anything, Pretty Little Liars, Bachelor, you name it ha. 
2. Where is your favorite place to be?
Hmm... this is a difficult one. I guess it depends on my mood. Sometimes I like to be at home with Chris hanging out and relaxing, sometimes I like to be working because I could never stay home all the time, I would go loco! Or if I had to pick an actual place, I would say the beach for sure, nothing better than some sun and sand in my opinion! 
3. Who do you consider your biggest role model? 
This is too much for me to think of right now, lol 
I don't know the answer to this. Ella just asked me the same thing for some school project last week and I told her that was my least favorite question because everyone expects you to say some fabulous person that is famous, or someone who totally changed your life! I need more time to think on this one. 
4. What does your life look like in 3 years?
I think in 3 years I will be happily married :) Hopefully living as great a life that I am now, running a successful business, and whatever else is in God's plan for me ;) Just thankful to have the blessings I have now.
5. If you could go back and change one decision, what would it be?
I think this is a hard one too, but I would have to say the decision to end a really special friendship I had with someone a few years ago, over a reason that I am still not even sure of, is probably the one thing I would change. It is so hard when you're so close to someone, to lose that when you're not even really sure why. Responding or reaching out to that person after years is a scary thing to do... but lately I have been feeling led to do that, so I will keep you posted on this one! 
6. What is your biggest accomplishment in life so far?
Ok now if you would have asked me this about 9pm last night I would have answered:
"Learning how to fishtail braid by practicing on Ava a few 100 times" haha
I have been wanting to learn for a long time now and just never had the time, so last night we watched youtube videos and played and finally I got it! :) 
However, the real answer to this question ... my biggest accomplishment so far is just how much I have grown my business and the fact that I sold over $10million in real estate in 2012 on my own!!! I am proud to have started my own team...
 ... proud to be working with some amazing people, and proud to know that I have done this on my own... not handed down a business from my parents, not by riding someone else's coat tails, but by truly learning the business and how to help people, and learning what NOT to do from previous people I was around in this business, and what TO do by some other very successful people. 
This is my biggest accomplishment without a doubt, and I am very blessed to have my business. 
Happy Sunday Friends! 
Go Link Up! 
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Saturday, 26 January 2013


You have NO idea how happy I am that it is Saturday!

I have had a crazy busy week, and today I purposely scheduled nothing so I could relax, enjoy some time with Chris and the kids, clean my house, do laundry, get a spray tan and my nails done ha, and just play catch up on my personal life!

This will be a random tid bit of fun pics and events from the week :)

I cleaned out my office and desk and added some cuteness:

 New Lamp, TJ Maxx $39, steal!!! :)

New Chairs ... also TJ Maxx find .. $89 each! Aren't they so cute? They're comfy too! I am adding a little table in the middle but waiting on my mom to make the burlap table cover :) Can't wait! 

School was called off on Friday because we literally got a centimeter of snow lol so Ella and Ava learned real world skills and went to work with me! 

They were stuffin' envelopes, printing return address labels, returning text messages haha you name it, they were doing it! Such good little helpers!

Frankie went and got his hair did and now he is even handsomer (is that a word?) than before!

I found two wedding hair styles I like ... 

Chris wants me to wear my hair down and wavy like normal, but I want to add a little something to it, I like Jess's hair do above, kind of teased up a little, I think that would like pretty with my veil. What do ya'll think? 

Then I love this Carrie "do" below for bridesmaids ... 

Side swept is my fave ... it would be so pretty! 
That's pretty much all on the wedding front I have right now ha. 

Last night we went to Chris's nephew's 1st Birthday Party! 

He was so cute as always! And a very neat cake eater too! He didn't make a huge mess like normal 1 yr olds lol ... he kept wanting to feed it to everyone else :) So precious!

We enjoyed some yummy chili for dinner! 
How cute is this sign Lisa made? 
She and her house are straight out of Pottery Barn and Pinterest ... the cutest you have ever seen! 

I got to play with Jack, my favorite ;)
I mean he is literally a baby model ... he needs to be picked up from Crewcuts!

How cute is he? 

I will leave you with this ... 
I saw this a while ago and loved it, then couldn't find it ... and then this week I saw it on Emily Maynard's Facebook! Love her. And love this. I am printing it and putting it in my Bible so I won't lose it again!

Happy Saturday!
I am off to clean and run errands :) 

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Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Wedding, Work and Realty TV ha

Hola Chicas! 
So today I had a really good TV update post planned ...
there is SO much going on I have THREE of our TV's being held hostage by DVR because of all of these shows on right now ....

Pretty Little Liars
(Holy Toby! What is happening?)
 Kourtney & Kim take Miami 
 Real Housewives of Beverly Hills AND Atlanta 
(Kenya is cray-cray can we all agree on that?)
Private Practice
Honey Boo Boo 
(don't judge, it's comedy at it's finest!)
The Good Wife 
Grey's Anatomy
and ...
Duck Dynasty
(yes, I let Chris watch this one show on "my" dvr TV haha I am a good fiance!)

There are sooo many more I am just drawing a blank ... 

Anyway, I wanted to do a TV catch up post but honestly there have been too many more important things going on in this crazy life of mine, so I thought I would share those instead ;)

In no particular order ... 

We finalized Bridesmaids Dresses!!
Whitney, Kim, Chrissy & Emily 
(Missing Kelly!:( She couldn't go. And Ella and Ava too!) 

We had a girl's day and went back up to Bridal and Formal in Cincinnati, OH to finalize and purchase the dresses and I am SO excited because everyone is going to look perfect and so pretty! Each of my friends are wearing the same brand dress (Waters) but in different styles and  3 different colors ... kind of a blush/light pink, a champagne and a stone color which is like grey kind of. 
They are all gorgeous!!!! Can't wait to show everyone!

I also tried on my dress again and they had a smaller sample size this time so it fit a little better and I LOVED it so much more than I even did the first time when I bought it!!! Ahhhhh!!! It's so pretty!!!!!!

I am loving this makeup ... on one of my fave PLL ladies ... 

How do you feel about that for my wedding makeup?
I love it! Looks so natural but stunning! 

Do you know about custom stamps? Or have I been under a rock?
I came across an advertisement in a Shutterfly magazine I got in the mail about ordering custom photo stamps from Stamps.com and I thought to myself "hmmm.... now that's amazing!" 

So of course I got online instantly and ordered some for our Save the Date's that are going out this week ... and we finally got them in the mail and they are EVEN MORE AMAZING in person!!!

Are you dying?
How cute are those? 
Ahhh I just love them! They are my new favorite thing! 
They are BIG too! Like over twice the size of a regular ugly stamp ha. Love them!! 
It was super easy too, you basically just upload a picture and Ta-da! 
View the wesbite and order some HERE

Lastly on the wedding front, I ordered Frankie's tux ... 

Brace yourself .... 

He will be so handsome I can not even stand it!!
So excited!

Speaking of Frankie, 
and my never ending, ever growing, sometimes crazy, love for him ....
Look what I saw today and couldn't help but LOL ....

So true! I love it.
I literally laugh out loud every time I read it ha!

In Real Estate News .... 
Yours truly has been quite the little Realtor lately ;)

Lexington Herald Leader's "Realtor of the Week" in last Sunday's paper!
So awesome, loved it, and so did everyone else! My Fbook and phone were blowing up with messages! :)

Then .... 

Double spot ad in Skirt! Magazine 
in the Fabulous Faces of Real Estate in Lexington, KY article! 

I can't wait for this year! My business is growing more and more every day!
I just know we are going to kill it this year!
If you're in or around Lexington please remember me when you know someone looking to buy or sell!
And if you're not in Lexington, that's ok too ... I can refer you to a great Realtor in your area!
I have Realtor friends in a lot of other states that would love to help :)
Buying or Selling a home is a BIG deal ... don't go at it alone, work with a professional!
After all, I always tell people, if you were having trouble with a tooth you would go to the dentist and let the professional work on it, not try to work on it yourself ha! 
So the same should be true with your home, which is the single biggest purchase in your life!

Pinterest Snack ... 

If you haven't seen these on Pinterest or tried them yet then you need to.
I made them for a lunch at my office and literally they are delish!
And soooo easy! Takes like 15 min total. So yummy. 
Perfect for Valentine's Day school treats too! 

a Birthday Shout Out! 

Happy Birthday Leslie!!
Leslie is my brother's girlfriend, and also my assistant :) And she just had a birthday over the weekend so I wanted to give her another little bday wish just because I love her ha :) Glad you had a good birthday! XO!

Well I think that's it for now ... 
I have listed 3 new houses this past week so going to post some cute house pics soon. 
And of course more wedding updates as they come ... I am trying to keep some things a surprise but it's so dang hard! I am already dying to show Chris my dress... but don't worry, I'm not! He will have to wait ha! 

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