Monday, 3 October 2011

Birthday Post for Chris

Today is Chris's Birthday so I am doing a special Birthday Post just for him :)


Before you get mad, I know you like to "approve" pictures of you before they go on the le bloggy, BUT today is a special occassion so you'll have to just move past it ha! <3

First, let's look at how cute you were when you were a little baby CJ :)

Awww... So Cute!! :)

I am so happy to celebrate your birthday and to start another year with you! You mean so much to me and when I was searching for some things to share today these are what I found that reminded me of you :)

You do all 5 of those things... plus so much more!
Thank you for being my best friend!

Thank you for being someone I look forward to being with and spending each day together.

Thank you for taking silly pictures for me just for the purpose of my little bloggy, when I know you really don't want too lol ....

Thank you for making teaching me to do new things, a little out of my comfort zone hahaha....

For being such a great dad.... I know how much you mean to the kids and how much they appreciate you!
You are a positive force in their lives and I know they love you so much, almost as much as you love them ;)

Thank you for all my yummy breakfasts you fix me all the time... you know I would starve without you! HA! And my cute little notes you make ;)

This one is super important... thank you for all the times you cuss, throw & provoke love, care for and spend time with our sweet angel because I know how much he means to you (and the real reason, you know how much he means to me ha)!
(Even if he does disrupt your sleeping by his antics)

And this is what Frankie wanted to get you for your birthday, but I had to tell him no...

A little baby hedgehog hahaha ;)

We love you...

and hope you have a great day...

And can't wait to spend many more years with you...

Until we look like this... :)

Happy Birthday babe. Love you bunches.
XO, {Da}
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