Thursday, 2 February 2012

Thursdays News!

Hello Thursday (and February for that matter!)
Thanks goodness it's almost Friday... this week has been nuts for me... worked like crazy... had 3 closings (woohoo!) and possibly a 4th one tomorrow, still waiting to hear!

First an foremost... it's Groundhog Day... I had no idea that today was the day... even though to be totally honest I don't believe in that crap anyway and here is a pic to prove it ha ;)

Kind of hard to believe 6 more weeks of winter when it is like 58 degrees today in sunny KY and feeling good! :) Love it!!

Shout out to some of my wonderful clients who closed this week ....

Congratulations Darius and Larissa (and their 3 sweet babies!) on the purchase of your new home!!


Congrats to Ian & Marina on the purchase of their first home!! :) YAY!

(both pics stole from Fbook, hope you don't mind lol!)


I am so excited to let you know about something I have ordered that I have been trying to find for MONTHS and thanks to Miss Katie, over at KC&CO ... I found one!!
If you haven't already you must go and enter her give away! 

 Because I am not a big twitter-er and I felt the chances of my winning were slim to none (sorry normally I am not a glass half empty kinda gal ha) AND because my patience got the best of me, I have gone ahead and ordered a
Camera Strap by Snappy Strap Designs!

How cute is that?

I am so excited about this! Best $30 ever. I use my camera 24/7 and this will be so much cuter than the regular normal ole' strap. Plus it has a little pocket for your lens cap!

They have lots of colors and patterns. All adorable! Could be a cute Valentine's Day gift idea!! :)

Speaking of Valentine's Day I found the BEST shirt to wear for Chris that day hahahaha but I can't reveal it now because I am saving it for a suprise :) Shhh....

Ok next important news I heard today...

Remember this pretty lady?

Yes that is Emily Maynard from Brad's Bachelor Season.. and today I heard the news that she is starting filming as the next Bachelorette!!!
(If you think this is a joke like I originally did, read People's article HERE)

Now I have mixed feelings about this... I absolutely LOVED her when she was on the show... I thought her story was so sweet, she was adorable and so pretty, Brad loved her... it was perfect. Then as soon as I saw the After the Rose show (anybody remember this?) I thought wow, she is bi-polar and evil, and I felt bad for Brad kind of!! Well I guess they couldn't work things out, and now she will try her luck with 25 guys... I won't pretend and lie to you and say I won't watch, because we all know I will ha!

Today is my friend, Kim's, birthday!!
Happy Birthday Kimmie!
We have been friends for... hmm... 19 years... ? DaNg! Is that right Kim? hahaha Sounds so old!!

In honor of your bday I thought I would post a couple old school pics for you... :)

Andddd.... just in case you forgot about the card Frankie got you last year for your bday, or you've somehow accidentally misplaced it, I just so happened to have a pic of it... lucky you!! :)


(Ahhhhh, I have no clue why this pic won't rotate! It is driving me crazy I've been trying to do it for 15 min. SORRY! Can you turn your head this one time? haha)

Frankie's best birthday card he's given to date! Love it!
Hope your Birthday is fabulous just like you are Kim!! XOXO

Ok off to the gym and run errrands...
PS. Grey's is new tonight, you're welcome :)
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